
Get Involved

Small acts of community kindest make a big difference


Spread the Word

With limited resources we rely heavily on those who live, work and volunteer in East to let others know about our campaign through holding information stalls, helping with leaflet drops and ensuring their building is dementia friendly.

We are always wanting to increase our social media presence so even a Like & Share of our Facebook Page is a huge step to raising awareness.


Become a Telephone Befriender

Our volunteer telephone befrienders are there to give a call to those who are caring for someone with dementia. All befrienders will receive the necessary training and support from the Befriending Officer, Sarah Gordon. If you are interested in volunteering or would like some further information, email us here

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Join our Steering Group

Our steering group is made up of a range of different organisations and individuals with a passion for increasing dementia awareness and support in East Belfast. If you are currently living with dementia, caring for someone with dementia or are part of an organisation who wants to become a member of our steering group please email us here